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payday loans FOOTBALL: SPORT CONFIDENTIALRESBECKT IS DUE AT THE ACADEMYDAVID BECKHAM has been known to mouth the odd obscenity at referees indeed, Roberto Carlos and Ronaldo ensured the first Spanish words he learned were blue ones.00:00 payday loans online, 20 MAR 2005Updated06:35, 9 FEB 2013Get soaps updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailRESBECKT IS DUE AT THE ACADEMYDAVID BECKHAM has been known to mouth the odd obscenity at referees indeed, Roberto Carlos and Ronaldo ensured the first Spanish words he learned were blue ones.But the England skipper claims he will be doing his bit to stamp out the swearing plague in football.Becks was back in his native East End last Monday (Confidential hears he even sent out for his favourite pie ‘n’ mash) to launch his football academy.And on the curriculum for the children attending his school will be lessons in respect.”They will be taught to respect referees, respect their team mates and respect their opponents,” said Becks.And given that he is ploughing of his own money into the academy, the England skipper will be hoping it fares better than Beckham’s Hotshots.The CBBC programme which aims to improve youngsters’ skills has been axed after just one series.A source told Confidential: “David’s out and we’re looking for someone else. The show didn’t quite take off in the way we hoped. David did a job for us but now it’s time to move on.”A BBC spokesman added: “The series is Hotshots and it’s not specifically about David Beckham. payday loans
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