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When the teams played the second time, OSU was playing its third game in nine days. Penn State was working on three days rest. Now? Penn State played on Thursday night, and the Buckeyes haven’t played since last Friday.. More extensively, lobby cards gave actual photographed scenes from movies. Shot mid scene, they were often inexplicable to anyone who had not yet seen the film which in most cases was everyone passing through the theater. Lobby cards were usually Designer Fake Bags good shots of the stars, starlets and character Replica Designer Handbags actors populating what Hollywood was churning out for your consumption in the next few weeks.
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Jacques Cavallier created Nu Eau de Parfum in 2001. (He created a Nu Eau de Toilette the following year, but it is a different fragrance more sheer and floral.) The official listing of notes cites a topnote of bergamot; a heart of white orchid, black pepper, and incense absolute; and a base of woody notes and spicy notes. I’ve seen cardamom, vetiver, sandalwood, and musk listed, too, in reviews on various fragrance blogs.
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Sunshine Edition for Men (just above) “The 2013 Sunshine design revisits the famous Paul Smith stripes in shades of green and yellow. The bottle plays subtly on transparencies of the bright colours revealing the freshness of the summer fragrance. She is also the mother of the very successful model Edie Campbell (who, by all accounts, sounds just as arrogant and brattish as her mother).
I first heard of George F. Trumper on labels as Geo F Trumper in an article about Pauline de Rothschild, who favored Trumper’s Extract of Limes cologne.1 Trumper, a British company, also sells shaving supplies and even offers one on one shaving lessons. When I saw tubes of Trumper shaving cream lined up at a local perfume boutique, I bought the lime.
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